List of all publications at Google Scholar.
Selected Publications
Towards Query Optimizer as a Service (QOaaS) in a Unified LakeHouse Ecosystem: Can One QO Rule Them All?
R. Alotaibi, Y. Tian, S. Grafberger, J. Camacho-Rodr'iguez, N. Bruno, B. Kroth, S. Matusevych, A. Agrawal, M. Behera, A Gosalia, C. Galindo-Legaria, M. Joshi, M. Potocnik, B. Sezgin, X. Li, C. Curino, CIDR, 2025.
MLOS in Action: Bridging the Gap Between Experimentation and Auto-Tuning in the Cloud
B. Kroth, S. Matusevych, R. Alotaibi, Y. Zhu, A. Gruenheid, Y. Tian, VLDB, 2024.
Optimizing Data Pipelines for Machine Learning in Feature Stores
R. Liu, K. Park, F. Psallidas, X. Zhu, J. Mo, R. Sen, M. Interlandi, K. Karanasos, Y. Tian, J. Camacho-Rodríguez, VLDB, 2024.
The Future of Graph Analytics
A. Bonifati, T. Özsu, Y. Tian, H. Voigt, W. Yu, SIGMOD, 2024.
Sibyl: Forecasting Time-Evolving Query Workloads
H. Huang, T Siddiqui, R. Alotaibi, C. Curino, J. Leeka, A. Jindal, J. Zhao, J. Camacho-Rodríguez, Y Tian, SIGMOD, 2024.
GEqO: ML-Accelerated Semantic Equivalence Detection
B. Haynes, R. Alotaibi, A. Pavlenko, J. Leeka, A. Jindal, Y. Tian. SIGMOD, 2024.
Microarchitectural Analysis of Graph BI Queries on RDBMS
R. Sen, Y. Tian. DaMoN, 2023. (DaMoN 2023 Best Short Paper Award)
Towards Building Autonomous Data Services on Azure
[PDF] [Presentation]
Y. Zhu, Y. Tian, J. Cahoon, S. Krishnan, A. Agarwal, R. Alotaibi, J. Camacho-Rodríguez, B. Chundatt, A. Chung, N. Dutta, A. Fogarty, A. Gruenheid, B. Haynes, M. Interlandi, M. Iyer, N. Jurgens, S. Khushalani, B. Kroth, M. Kumar, J. Leeka, S. Matusevych, M. Mittal, A. Mueller, K. Muthyala, H. Nagulapalli, Y. Park, H. Patel, A. Pavlenko, O. Poppe, S. Ravindran, K. Saur, R. Sen, S. Suh, A. Tarafdar, K. Waghray, D., C. Curino, R. Ramakrishnan, Industry Paper, SIGMOD, 2023.
Exact PPS Sampling with Bounded Sample Size
[PDF] [Implemented in Apache DataSketches (thanks to Jon Malkin)]
B. Hentschel, P. J. Haas, Y. Tian. Information Processing Letters, 2023.
The World of Graph Databases from An Industry Perspective
[PDF] [Presentation]
Y. Tian. ACM SIGMOD Record 51 (4), 60-67, 2022.
Db2 Event Store: A Purpose-Built IoT Database Engine
C. Garcia-Arellano, A. Storm, D. Kalmuk, H. Roumani, R. Barber, Y. Tian, R. Sidle, F. Ozcan, M. Spilchen, J. Tiefenbach, D. Zilio, L. Pham, K. Rakopoulos, A. Cheung, D. Pepper, I. Sayyid, G. Gershinsky, G. Lushi, H. Pirahesh. The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Industry Paper, 2020.
IBM Db2 Graph: Supporting Synergistic and Retrofittable Graph Queries Inside IBM Db2
[PDF] [Presentation]
Y. Tian, E. L. Xu, W. Zhao, H. Pirahesh, S. J. Tong, W. Sun, T. Kolanko, S. H. Apu, H. Peng. The 40th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Industry Paper, 2020.
Enabling Rich Queries over Heterogeneous Data from Diverse Sources in HealthCare
A. Quamar, J. Straube, Y. Tian. CIDR, 2020.
WiSer: A Highly Available HTAP DBMS for IoT Applications
R. Barber, C. Garcia-Arellano, R. Grosman, G. Lohman, C. Mohan, R. Muller, H. Pirahesh, V. Raman, R. Sidle, A. Storm, Y. Tian, P. Tozun, and Y. Wu. IEEE BigData, 2019.
General Temporally-Biased Sampling Schemes for Online Model Management
B. Hentschel, P. Haas, Y. Tian. TODS, 2019. (Invited as Best of EDBT 2018)
Online Model Management via Temporally Biased Sampling
B. Hentschel, P. Haas, Y. Tian. SIGMOD Record, 2019. (SIGMOD Record Research Highlight Award)
HERMIT in Action: Succinct Secondary Indexing Mechanism via Correlation Exploration
Y. Wu, J. Yu, Y. Tian, R. Sidle, R. Barber. The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 12(12), Demo, 2019.
Synergistic Graph and SQL Analytics Inside IBM Db2
[PDF] [Demo]
Y. Tian, S. J. Tong, H. Pirahesh, W. Sun, E. L. Xu, W. Zhao. The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 12(12), Demo, 2019.
Designing Succinct Secondary Indexing Mechanism by Exploiting Column Correlations
[PDF] [Presentation]
Y. Wu, J. Yu, Y. Tian, R. Sidle, R. Barber. The 39th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2019.
Umzi: Unified Multi-Zone Indexing for Large-Scale HTAP
C. Luo, P. Tözün, Y. Tian, R. Barber, V. Raman, R. Sidle. The 22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2019.
Hybrid Systems Based on Traditional Database Extensions
Y. Tian. Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, 2018.
Wildfire: HTAP for Big Data
R. Barber, V. Raman, R. Sidle, Y. Tian, P. Tozun. Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, 2018.
Temporally-Biased Sampling for Online Model Management
[PDF] [Long Paper]
B. Hentschel, P. J. Haas, Y. Tian. The 21st International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2018. (EDBT 2018 Best Paper Award)
Systems for Big Graph Analytics (Book)
D. Yan, Y. Tian, J. Cheng. SpringerBriefs in Computer Science, Springer, 2017.
Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing: A Survey
F. Özcan, Y. Tian, P. Tözün. The 37th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Tutorial, 2017.
Big Graph Analytics Platforms (Book)
D. Yan, Y. Bu, Y. Tian, A. Deshpande. Foundations and Trends in Databases, Vol. 7: No. 1-2, pp 1-195, 2017.
Evolving Databases for New-Gen Big Data Applications
C. Garcia-Arellano, R. Barber, M. Huras, R. Grosman, C. Mohan, R. Mueller, F. Özcan, H. Pirahesh, V. Raman, R. Sidle, A. Storm, Y. Tian, P. Tözün, D. Zilio, G. Lohman. The 2017 biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2017.
Building a Hybrid Warehouse: Efficient Joins Between Data Stored in HDFS and Enterprise Warehouse
[PDF] [Slides]
Y. Tian, F. Ozcan, T. Zou, R. Goncalves, H. Pirahesh. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), 2016. (Invited as Best of EDBT 2015)
Wildfire: Concurrent Blazing Data Ingest and Analytics
R. Barber, M. Huras, G. Lohman, C. Mohan, R. Mueller, F. Özcan, H. Pirahesh, V. Raman, R. Sidle,
O. Sidorkin, A. Storm, Y. Tian, P. Tözün. The 36th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Demo, 2016.
Big Graph Analytics Platforms
[PDF] [Slides]
D. Yan, Y. Bu, Y. Tian, A. Deshpande, J. Cheng. The 36th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Tutorial, 2016.
Resource Elasticity for Large-Scale Machine Learning
B. Huang, M. Boehm, Y. Tian, B. Reinwald, S. Tatikonda, F. R. Reiss. The 35th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2015.
Joins for Hybrid Warehouses: Exploiting Massive Parallelism in Hadoop and Enterprise Data Warehouses
Y. Tian, T. Zou, F. Ozcan, R. Goncalves, H. Pirahesh. The 18th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2015. (Best of EDBT 2015)
A Generic Solution to Integrate SQL and Analytics for Big Data
N. R. Katsipoulakis, Y. Tian, F. Ozcan, B. Reinwald, H. Pirahesh. The 18th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Vision Paper, 2015.
Dynamic Interaction Graphs with Probabilistic Edge Decay
W. Xie, Y. Tian, Y. Sismanis, A. Balmin, P. J. Haas. The 31st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2015.
SystemML’s Optimizer: Plan Generation for Large-Scale Machine Learning Programs
M. Boehm, D. Burdick, A. Evfimievski, B. Reinwald, F. R. Reiss, P. Sen, S. Tatikonda, Y. Tian. Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, 37(3), 2014.
Distributed Graph Summarization
X. Liu, Y. Tian, Q. He, W. Lee, J. McPherson. The 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2014.
Hybrid Parallelization Strategies for Large Scale Machine Learning in SystemML
M. Boehm, S. Tatikonda, B. Reinwald, P. Sen, Y. Tian, D. R. Burdick, S. Vaithyanathan. The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 7(7), 2014.
Scalable Topic-Specific Influence Analysis on Microblogs
[PDF] [Slides]
B. Bi, Y. Tian, Y. Sismanis, A. Balmin, J. Cho. The 7th ACM Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2014.
From “Think Like a Vertex” to “Think Like a Graph”
[PDF] [Slides]
Y. Tian, A. Balmin, S. A. Corsten, S. Tatikonda, J. McPherson. The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 7(3), 2013. (Best of VLDB 2014)
Compiling Machine Learning Algorithms with SystemML
M. Boehm, D. Burdick, A. Evfimievski, B. Reinwald, P. Sen, S. Tatikonda, Y. Tian. ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), Poster, 2013.
A Platform for eXtreme Analytics
A. Balmin, K. Beyer, V. Ercegovac, J. McPherson, F. Ozcan, H. Pirahesh, E. Shekita, Y. Sismanis, S. Tata, Y. Tian. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 57(3/4), 2013.
Event-based Social Networks: Linking the Online and Offline Social Worlds
[PDF] [Slides]
X. Liu, Q. He, Y. Tian, W. Lee, J. McPherson, J. Han. The 18th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), 2012.
Scalable and Numerically Stable Descriptive Statistics In SystemML
[PDF] [Slides]
Y. Tian, S. Tatikonda, B. Reinwald. The 28th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2012.
CoHadoop: Flexible Data Placement and Its Exploitation in Hadoop
M. Eltabakh, Y. Tian, F. Ozcan, R. Gemulla, A. Krettek, J. McPherson. The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2011.
SystemML: Declarative Machine Learning on MapReduce
A. Ghoting, R. Krishnamurthy, E. Pednault, B. Reinwald, V. Sindhwani, S. Tatikonda, Y. Tian, S. Vaithyanathan (authors are ordered alphabetically by last names). The 27th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2011.
Interactive Graph Summarization (Book Chapter)
Y. Tian, J. M. Patel. Chapter 15, Link Mining: Models, Algorithms and Applications, Springer, 2010.
A Comparison of Join Algorithms for Log Processing in MapReduce
S. Blanas, J. M. Patel, V. Ercegovac, J. Rao, E. J. Shekita, Y. Tian. The 30th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2010.
Discovery-Driven Graph Summarization
N. Zhang, Y. Tian, J. M. Patel. The 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2010.
Michigan Molecular Interactions R2: From Interacting Proteins to Pathways
G. Tarcea, T. Weymouth, A. Ade, A. Bookvich, J. Gao, V. Mahavisno, Z. Wright, A. Chapman, M. Jayapandian, A. Ozgur, Y. Tian, J. Cavalcoli, B. Mirel, J. Patel, D. Radev, B. Athey, D. States and H. V. Jagadish. Nucleic Acids Research 37 (Database issue):D642-6, 2009.
Querying Graph Databases
Y. Tian. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan, 2008.
Periscope/GQ: A Graph Querying Toolkit
Y. Tian, J. M. Patel, V. Nair, S. Martini, M. Kretzler. The 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Demo, 2008.
Efficient Aggregation for Graph Summarization
[PDF] [Slides]
Y. Tian, R. A. Hankins, J. M. Patel. The 28th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2008.
TALE: A Tool for Approximate Large Graph Matching
[PDF] [Long Paper] [Slides]
Y. Tian, J. M. Patel. The 24th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2008.
SAGA: A Subgraph Matching Tool for Biological Graphs
[PDF] [Supplemental Material] [SAGA Web Site]
Y. Tian, R. C. McEachin, C. Santos, D. J. States, J. M. Patel. Bioinformatics Journal, 23(2):232-239, 2007.
Practical Methods for Constructing Suffix Trees
[PDF] [Slides]
Y. Tian, S. Tata, R. A. Hankins, J. M. Patel. Very Large Data Base Journal (VLDBJ), 14(3): 281-299, 2005.
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